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Stunt Car Racer on Commodore Plus/4 Is Very Impressive

Last Updated on August 25, 2023

Way back in the 1980s, MicroProse released Geoff Crammond’s Stunt Car Racer (under the MicroStyle label). It came out on Commodore 64, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, PC (DOS), and ZX Spectrum. But it wasn’t released on Commodore’s other 8-bit system, the Commodore Plus/4.

Fast foward 35 years or so, and the game has been ported – by enthusiasts and completely unofficially – to the Plus/4. The people behind it have stated:

This is a port of the C64 version, and the manual for the original game mostly applies here as well. The gameplay works exactly the same way as the original, but the menu has been slightly changed.

By way of comparison, here is the Commodore 64 original of Stunt Car Racer:

I’ve already been humbled about my dismissal of the Commodore Plus/4 thanks to the recent edition of Pixel Addict. With this version of Stunt Car Racer – which I think has a more colourful loading screen and appears to run slightly faster – I’m going to have to have a very serious rethink about my feelings for the system.

Learn more, play online, or download the PRG files to play on your own Plus/4 system on the Stunt Car Racer page at Commodore Plus/4 World.

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