Return to Monkey Island

New Return to Monkey Island Footage Revealed on Twitter

Last Updated on July 26, 2022

Game development legend Ron Gilbert has shared some new footage of Return to Monkey Island on his Twitter page.

The game is a long-awaited sequel to the previous Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, and includes elements to the intervening trio of games. Return to Monkey Island is the sixth game in the series, and arguably the most controversial, with Gilbert targeted recently by online halfwits when footage from the title was revealed for the first time.

This latest clip from the game follows a similar release the week before, under the #MonkeyIslandMonday tag, by @LeDaveGrossman.

And if you’re ready to put your hand in your pocket for Return to Monkey Island, you can wishlist it on Steam or Switch:

You know you’re gonna.

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