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New Retro Development Title GB Studio Magazine Out Today!

Last Updated on June 19, 2023

Imagine being able to pick up a new magazine dedicated to the Nintendo Game Boy. Well, now you can – it’s GB Studio Magazine, and it’s out today. You’ll detect from the name that the mag isn’t a modern retread of classic handheld gaming – instead, it focuses on development for Game Boy series consoles.

So, it’s less Amiga Addict, more Wireframe or Debug.

As you can see from the stunning accompanying video (by GB Studio honcho Erick Mack), the first issue features music lessons, tips on building screen-sized bosses, interviews, a feature on Batty Zabella, accessibility support on Kirby’s Dream Land, and more. Full details of the contents have not been confirmed, but you can see from the video that it is jammed with interesting material.

A quarterly publication that you can order by supporting the GB Studio Patreon, GB Studio Magazine features digital (£6.50) and physical (£17) editions.

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