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Kickstarter Update Reveals Dexter Fletcher in GamesMaster Book

Last Updated on June 1, 2024

In an update about GamesMaster: The Oral History sent to Kickstarter backers, it has been revealed that Series 3 host Dexter Fletcher will feature in the forthcoming GamesMaster book!

This is a huge inclusion, as it helps to ensure a complete picture of the original run of GamesMaster. Fletcher these days is more widely known as a director (mostly for the Elton John biopic Rocketman), but in the 1990s he was more recognizable as an actor, such as playing an American character in Steven Moffat’s Press Gang. As such, his role on GamesMaster came as quite a surprise, especially as most kids had no idea where Dominik Diamond had got to.

From creator Darren Wall’s Kickstarter update:

To add yet more hype to proceedings, I’m delighted to announce that GamesMaster: The Oral History will feature an exclusive contribution from series 3 presenter – and now hugely successful director/actor – Dexter Fletcher. Jack and Dexter managed to catch up just before writing on the book was wrapped up earlier this year. We didn’t consider the book complete without Dexter’s voice, so we’re made up that he has joined the roster of contributors.

As Jack himself perfectly puts it: “Dexter provides a beautifully reflective and touching account of his experience – relatable to any of us that at some point in life have found ourselves in the wrong job. Thanks to Dexter (and Dave Perry for his help engineering). Be in no doubt this is the complete story behind GamesMaster!”

You should already be backing the GamesMaster book on Kickstarter, but if not you can preorder GamesMaster: The Oral History.

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