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Nintendo vs. Switch GoldenEye 007 Graphics Comparison

Last Updated on January 28, 2023

Wondering if the Nintendo Switch GoldenEye 007 looks all that different to the N64 original?

If you don’t have an N64 handy to check, you might be surprised.

Despite a lack of serious remastering (like the Xbox Live Arcade GoldenEye version leaked in 2021 that kickstarted all this madness) it seems that some key graphical improvements have been made to the Nintendo Switch Online GoldenEye 007 release.

If you’re looking for a side-by-side comparison, YouTube channel GameXplain has put one together. It demonstrates some key scenes from the first half of the game, giving you a good look at just how the new widescreen version improves on the orginal, graphically-speaking.

The new version is sharper, with less blur on background objects. Foreground skins, meanwhile, could be described as smoother; they’re certainly more defined.

Not sure if you can make it through GoldenEye 007 with the default controls on the Nintendo Switch? You should check our our guide to tweaking your Nintendo Switch Joy-cons to make GoldenEye 007 playable.

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