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New Game Boy Game from PixelHeart, Lost Terminal

Last Updated on July 27, 2022

Independent retro gaming developer PixelHeart has announced a new Game Boy game, Lost Terminal, set for release in quarter 3 of 2022.

News of new games for the Game Boy is always good to see, whether you own an original, a later compatible, or even an Analogue Pocket.

Created by Maxime Schutz and JoshProd, Lost Terminal is a runner-like platformer spanning several maps.

There are some cogs that must always work, at the risk of seeing the world fall apart. Today, it’s the Underworld train that’s in trouble. The master of Hell has no time to waste and entrusts his son with the mission to find the source of the problem and fix the situation as quickly as possible.

Lost terminal features 10 levels, and a music selection screen. This is a physical release, which means you’ll get an actual game cartridge to insert in your Nintendo Game Boy or compatible replica.

Released as a limited run of 500 copies, each game box includes:

  • The game cartridge + plastic protection box
  • Cardboard wedge for the cartridge
  • A manual
  • Certificate of Authenticity

Pre-order the Lost Terminal Game Boy game from the PixelHeart website for just €36.90.

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