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Navarone, a 1980 Shooter from Namco Added to Arcade Archives

Last Updated on April 4, 2023

HAMSTER released Navarone on the PlayStation 4 on March 30th, adding the title to its Arcade Archives series.

A Nintendo Switch release of Navarone is also expected.

A shooter that was only originally available as an arcade machine, the game is inspired by the wartime movie Guns of Navarone, although this is a long way from any kind of licensed tie-in. The Namco game from 1980 is described:

Take control of a fighter plane on a mission to destroy enemy targets of various sizes scattered across a peninsula. When you take down a major target, all of the minor targets around it will be destroyed with it. You get a bigger bonus from taking out the targets with fewer shots, so aim carefully!

The Arcade Archives series faithfully reproduces various classic arcade masterpieces, with additional features. Players can change game difficulty and add classic display settings, competing with other players from around the world.

The PlayStation 4 version can be bought now. Despite a March 30th release date, the game is yet to appear on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Keep an eye on the eShop and the Arcade Archives website for updates on Navarone.

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