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You Heard Right: Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons Is Out Soon

Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons is the newest instalment of the Double Dragon series and will be launching on PC and all other modern consoles this summer.

Developer Secret Base renowned for horror beat’em up Streets of Red: Devil’s Dare Deluxe, creates a “modernised celebration” yet retro pixel art aesthetic of the genre with this new Double Dragon title. The iconic characters Billy and Jimmy Lee will return in this new game alongside new playable characters. Permadeath mode and co-op will be featured with its launch starting with local co-op and introducing online co-op later this year. There will be 13 playable characters to choose from!

It will incorporated elements of roguelite with its mission selection feature, where the order of chosen missions will affect their duration, difficulty and amount of enemies. The in-game cash you earn after a stage can be used to unlock character upgrades or saved for tokens for unlocking characters and bonuses after you die. Alternatively, you can also use tokens to continue a run.

Here is what the official blurb tells us:

“New York City in the year 199X: the city has been devastated by nuclear war. Its citisens fight for survival as riots, crime and chaos flood the streets. Criminal gangs terrorise what remains as they vie for dominance. Unwilling to endure these conditions any longer, young Billy and Jimmy Lee take it upon themselves to reclaim their city.”

Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons is available to preorder now on Steam for PC, and is also coming to PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in summer 2023.


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