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Unreleased SimCopter 64 E3 Prototype Has Been Recovered

Last Updated on November 17, 2022

The gaming community is always keen to learn about games that were planned to release but never materialise. Maxis’ SimCopter 64 is one of those games! Its E3 1997 demo was preserved and analysed in depth.

The article analysis by Video Game History Foundation was created after the demo was sent to them by an anonymous individual. The only other content surrounding this game beforehand was its showfloor footage. A later version of the game also became playable, as reported by NintendoLife back in May. The game has now been archived with its new unveiled footage being played on actual hardware.

VGHF’s article covers how Maxis were looking to take on the project with the Japan’s exclusive SimCity 64 being developed by HAL Laboratory. Early gameplay was described by Aki Kodama (Maxis K.K. president) as “just flying over a virtual city, just like another flight simulator”.

Here is some footage of the December 1997 version of the title where there are certainly some noticeable differences.

Each of the 30 cities from the PC version were included in the game alongside its fair share of bugs. By summertime of 1998, the game became more story-focused with comparisons made to “Pilotwings 64 or Blast Corps” by writer Phil Salvador. He also counteracts the notion that the game being developed 64DD.

Whether or not this game was intended to undergo further development, it’s interesting to know what ideas developers had for such iconic game series.

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