No One Lives Under The Lighthouse

PS1 Inspired No One Lives Under The Lighthouse Now Available On All Platforms

Last Updated on June 14, 2023

Ukrainian developers release the PlayStation 1-style adventure No One Lives Under The Lighthouse.

No One Lives Under The Lighthouse is a “Slow burn retro horror game” by the Ukrainian dev team, Marevo Collective. This title debuted on Steam in 2020 and is now available on Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

No One Lives Under The Lighthouse puts you in the shoes of a lighthouse keeper sent to replace another keeper who recently vanished. The title boasts a graphics style reminiscent of PS1 titles like Silent Hill and Clock Tower and should be a treat for fans of retro horror games. There’s also light puzzle solving, and although it’s a short game, there are multiple endings. 

There is a unique ‘rawness’ to horror games from the PS1 era. It may seem silly now, but back in 1996, the original Resident Evil was the most terrifying game that most had ever played. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that some still clamor for this very specific type of game.

If old-school horror games pique your interest, check out the trailer on publisher Puppet Combo’s YouTube channel

This graphical choice certainly isn’t for everyone. The trailer will captivate you, or you’ll genuinely have no clue what the fuss is about. Games with this art style have garnered quite a fanbase in recent years. ‘Demakes,’ in particular, have become popular and are reimaginings of classics with a retro lick of paint. Whether original ideas or spins on well-known IPs, games of this style are here to stay.  

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