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Beat ‘Em Up Archives Now Available On All Console Platforms

Last Updated on June 20, 2023

Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo continue to amass an extensive library of retro games on their respective online storefronts. The latest to join those ranks is Beat ‘Em Up Archives (QUByte Classics) from QUByte Interactive.

There are two games in this collection, Legend, and Iron Commando. Both were released on the SNES in 1994 and 1995, respectively. I’ve only had first-hand experience with Iron Commando, and it’s a fun side-scroller with the odd vehicle section to break up the gameplay. It’s monotonous and very unfair sometimes, but that’s par for the course with this type of game.

Iron Commando

While these titles certainly aren’t on the level of Final Fight and Streets of Rage, you’ll find plenty to enjoy if you’re a fan of the genre. It’s not clear at this stage if the Beat ‘Em Up Archives are set to develop into an Arcade Archives-style series.

I can’t speak for the quality of the ports in the collection, but the mistakes on the Nintendo eShop description page are a little concerning. Among other issues, the main character in Iron Commando is Jack, not Jake, as it’s written. Hopefully, this is just a spelling error, but I’d swat up on some reviews before taking the plunge.

Beat ‘Em Up Archives (QUByte Classics) is available to download on all console platforms. At the time of writing, the title isn’t listed on Steam. Check your usual digital storefront.

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