Evercade EXP in TATE mode

Want TATE Mode on Evercade VS? It Could Be Coming

One of the key draws of the Evercade EXP is the option to rotate it 90 degrees to play shooters in portrait mode. It’s a fetaure the Evercade VS sadly lacks – but that could all be about to change.

Responding to a Facebook group post observing “We need VS update!!! TATE function is obligatory! And maybe good idea is blaze arcade stick?” the official Facebook Evercade account responded: “It’s certainly something we’re looking at.”

Now, it’s fair to say that the response isn’t entirely clear. After all, it could refer to the arcade stick.

But given that the VS will play all the same games as the EXP (well, the cartridge games), it seems more likely that there is the possibility of a TATE mode (that is, the function to flip between landscape and portrait gaming modes) on the Evercade VS, and it could be activated with an update.

Presumably, an unused button combination or new menu item will be used to enable TATE mode on the VS. But you’ll need to enhance your set up with a display that can be rotated.

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