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Official SWOS World Cup Taking Place August 2023

Last Updated on April 18, 2023

Did you even know there was a SWOS World Cup?

Sensible World of Soccer (aka SWOS) is undoubtedly the most popular Amiga-era arcade football game (although my preference was Kick Off 2…). It’s world cup competition has been running for a few years, and the 2023 event will be kicking off on August 5th, 2023.

This is the 20th anniversary of the Sensible Days-organized event, making it a pretty significant milestone in the continuing enjoyment of a game launched 27 years ago (or in the case of the original Sensible Soccer, 31 years ago.

Over past few years the competition has moved from Poland (2020 and 2021) to Barcelona (2022) and this time around the event his moving to German capital Berlin. (Specifically, just outside Berlin due to summer accomodation prices in the city itself.)

If you wish to watch the competition, it will be streamed online, via Discord, just like last year’s event. The 2022 final is presented above for your enjoyment.

2023 competitors are taking part in a PC SWOS World Cup and an Amiga SWOS World Cup. Unlike previous years, there is no Xbox option at the 2023 SWOS World Cup.

You can book tickets to the 2023 SWOS World Cup at All Events.

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