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Evercade Duke Nukem Deep Dive Video Reveals Enhancements

Last Updated on October 4, 2023

It won’t be long until I’m glued to my Evercade 24/7 once again, and the reason for this is Duke Nukem. The eponymous hero of some occasionally tasteless but ultimately thrilling 1990s games is landing on Evercade next month – in time for Christmas – and the team at Blaze Entertainment has helpfully put together a deep dive video previewing what we can expect.

The two cartridges, Duke Nukem Collection 1 and Duke Nukem Collection 2, feature a mix of the original side-scrolling games, the famous Duke Nukem 3D FPS, and the second-person PlayStation games. But the most interesting thing about this collection is the effort and time that has gone into rebuilding Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem 2 for the Evercade.

And I use the word “rebuilding” with precision. As stated in the video, 1 and 2 are not emulated. The games “[have] been recreated from the ground up for Evercade. This native release means it’s not an emulated game but a game designed and built to run on Evercade systems.”

All the games feature various quality of life enhancements, too, with widescreen support, smooth scrolling, 60FPS, parallax scrolling, expanded background art, and more.

I mean, what more can you say but: COME GET SOME!

Remember: both carts are accompanied by full-colour manuals and will be released on November 28th 2023 and are intended for Evercade VS and Evercade EXP systems. Learn more on the Evercade website.

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